BITUTHENE® 8000/8000 HC
Advanced, self-adhesive, solar reflective, water, moisture and gas proofing membrane for above and below ground waterproofing applications
Product Description
BITUTHENE® 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane combines the proven Bituthene adhesive technology with a unique, grey-coloured carrier film to provide superior performance and easier installation. Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane has been tested to withstand more than 70m head of water and is over 90 times more methane resistant than the BRE minimum recommendation.
The membrane is printed with the Bituthene logo to aid identification plus an overlap line at each edge to ensure 50mm minimum lap. Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane is extremely tough but any accidental damage which would otherwise be missed, is made visible by the black compound showing through the light grey film. This can be simply repaired with a patch of Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane.
Product Advantages
Water and moisture proof — Provides protection for Grades 2, 3 and 4, BS 8102:1990.
Gas-resistant — Protects against methane and radon.
Non-metalised film — Not vulnerable to chemical attack; eliminates overbanding of laps associated with aluminum-based membranes.
Cold applied — Self-adhesive overlaps ensure continuity.
Wide application “window” reduces delays — Application temperature ranges from -5ºC to +35ºC (Hot Climate grade is up to 55ºC) and damp surface tolerant.
Solar reflective surface — Over 20% reduction of solar heat absorption while membrane is temporarily exposed.
Facilitates quality assured installation — Printed overlap line ensures minimum laps; light colour highlights accidental damage for simple patch repairs.
Dimension stability — Wrinkle-resistant.
Chemical resistance — Provides effective external protection against aggressive environment.
System compatibility — Can be combined with PREPRUFE® pre-applied membranes, BITUTHENE® Liquid Membrane, and HYDRODUCT® drainage composites for system solutions.
At air temperatures below +4ºC measures should be taken to ensure that all surfaces are free from ice or frost. All surfaces except those below ground bearing slabs should be primed with one coat of Primer B2 / WP-3000 applied at a rate of 8m² (12-15m² for WP-3000) per litre. Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane shall be laid by peeling back the protective release paper and applying the adhesive face onto the prepared surface, free from ice, frost or condensation. Bituthene Liquid Membrane to be applied at all internal and external corners, penetrations, etc., prior to applying the overall membrane. Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane should be brushed onto the surface to ensure good initial bond and exclude air. Adjacent rolls are aligned using printed lines and overlapped 50mm minimum at side and ends and well rolled with a firm pressure, using a Lap Roller to ensure complete adhesion and continuity between the layers. On high walls it may be necessary to batten fix the membrane to prevent slippage.
Physical Property
Thickness* | 1.5mm | ASTM D3767 Procedure A |
Hydrostatic Head Resistance | > 70m (note 1) | ASTM D5385 |
Water Vapour Rransmission Rate | 0.023 perm | ASTM E96 |
Methane Permeability | 3.89mL m2/day (note 2) | Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London |
Tensile Strength at 23oC | 482 psi | ASTM D412 modified* |
Puncture Resistance | 280N | ASTM E154 |
Radon Transmission | 6 x 10 m.s-1 | S. P. Institute, Sweden |
*Nominal thickness refers to the thickness of the membrane without release liner.
#Run at a rate of 50mm / min.
Note 1: Test carried out on an overlap crossing a post formed
Note 2: Typical value for BRE recommended minimum standard (BRE Report 212) is 360mL / m2 / day.
Typical test values may represent average values from samples tested. Test methods noted may be modified.
Bituthene 8000 Waterproofing Membrane complies with the relevant section of the following national standards: BS 8102:1990. Building Regulations (England and Wales) 1991 (amended 1994) clause C4. Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994 (amended 1995) clause B2. Building Standard (Scotland) Regulations 1990. Regulation B2.1, G2.6.
Membrane Repairs
Damaged areas to be repaired by patching with an oversized patch applied to a clean dry surface extending 100mm beyond damage and firmly rolled.

Details shown are typical illustrations only and not working drawings. For assistance with working drawings and additional technical advice please contact GCP Technical Services.

Comparsion of solar heat gain over time on exposed membrane samples.
Technical Services
For assistance with working drawings for projects and additional technical advice, please contact your local GCP representative.
It can be used horizontally or vertically to protect basements and other critical sub-structures from the effects of water, damp and gas penetration. Also, Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane is suitable for flat decks such as inverted roofs, elevated or grade level podiums or plaza decks as the reduced solar gain is an advantage.
Ancillary Products
Primer B2 / WP-3000 is used to prepare vertical and sloping surfaces and suspended slabs. It is moisture tolerant and can be used on ‘green’ concrete or damp to touch substrates.
Bituthene Liquid Membrane
Waterproof continuity at angles and at penetrations is provided by Liquid Membrane, chemically curing, liquid-applied detailing compound.
Bituthene Protection Board
Damage from following trades and backfill is prevented by Bituthene Protection Boards.
Thickness (Nominal) | 1.5mm |
Pack Size | 1.0m x 20m |
Roll Area | 20sqm |
Gross Weight | 39kg |
Storage | Store upright in dry conditions below +35oC |
Min Edge / End Laps | 50mm |

Typical base slab/wall junction

1 BITUTHENE® 8000 / 8000HC
2 Primer B2 / WP-3000
3 Bituthene LM
4 Bituthene Protection Board
6 Hydroduct Coil
Bituthene 8000 / 8000 HC Waterproofing Membrane is not intended for permanent exposure. Exposed areas of membrane at upstands, etc., should be covered with SOLARSHIELD® or similar flashing.
Health and Safety
Refer to relevant Material Safety Data Sheet.
Quality Assurance
GCP Applied Technologies is certified to ISO 9001 : 2008 by TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd. | Thailand customer service: 66 2 030 9700
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Bitustik, Bituthene, Preprufe, Hydroduct, Servidrain, Solarshield and Servipak are trademarks, which may be registered in the United States and/or other countries, of GCP Applied Technologies, Inc. This trademark list has been compiled using available published information as of the publication date and may not accurately reflect current trademark ownership or status.
© Copyright 2017 GCP Applied Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
GCP Applied Technologies Inc., 2325 Lakeview Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30009, USA
GCP Applied Technologies Holdings (Thailand) Limited., 848 Moo 2, Bangpoo Industrial Estate (North), Phraksa Mai, Muang Samutprakarn, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand
This document is only current as of the last updated date stated below and is valid only for use in Thailand. It is important that you always refer to the currently available information at the URL below to provide the most current product information at the time of use. Additional literature such as Contractor Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Detail Drawings and detailing recommendations and other relevant documents are also available on Information found on other websites must not be relied upon, as they may not be up-to-date or applicable to the conditions in your location and we do not accept any responsibility for their content. If there are any conflicts or if you need more information, please contact GCP Customer Service.
Last Updated: 2023-07-07